Light The Night UF @ Flavet Field

Light The Night is an annual held across the United States and Canada hosted by The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (L&LS) to raise funds for people who battle blood cancers. The L&LS Northern & Central Florida chapter held their Light The Night at the University of Florida, Flavet Field. Hundreds of people gathered to Flavet Field to show their appreciation to their friends and family who have been affected in one way or another to this blood cancer. The night is truly filled with inspiration and hope. Participants carry white, red, and gold illuminated balloons. White colored balloons represent survivors, red for supporters, and gold in memory of loved ones lost to cancer. SSB is honored to have been part of another amazing Like The Night event and also want to thank you

Feel free to check out all the fun in the slideshow below or go to our Facebook or Gallery page.